Yes! It's Time To Multiply Your Income!

I'm looking forward to seeing your goals get closer as you do less!

No busy work. It's time to get focused.

This 10 day challenge is delivered by email and in a Facebook group so I can coach you each step of the way.

Day 1's email is already on it's way to you. Please make sure you add to your contacts and check your spam folder. You don't want to miss out on working less to earn more.

Join the Facebook group to interact on each day's post. Get Biz Done

Want more help getting motivated?

I'm a biz mindset coach and have created a membership to help dig in to what is keeping you from moving your biz forward. Who better to help you than someone that has gone through the mindset work after sabotaging many projects of my own? I continue to grow my mind to help myself and to help you push through things quicker as well.

The Mindset: Imposter syndrome & self-doubt are a part of being human. Put things in place for when those thoughts creep in so you can continue to create your best life.

The mental roadblocks create spots that make you question everything you are doing. Sometimes really good ideas come out of listening and recognizing what is happening.

The Actions: Once the roadblocks are discovered it's time to be realistic about your expectations for that to do list you are creating.

What will move your biz forward the quickest AND are things you enjoy doing?

Improve Your Biz Mindset 

I'd love to coach you in the membership. In fact, I have a truly amazing deal because I want you to try it out right this minute.

But first, a little about the membership:

  • Weekly Meeting – I feel it's important to get together weekly and check in before roadblocks dig in deep. Each week we'll have a discussion topic with plenty of time to discuss. This is also the time to bring up issues you are having. Always bring a celebration to the meeting!
    Can't meet with us live? Replays available in the community resource area.
  • Monthly Guest Expert – I am not an expert at everything. But after over 20 years of being online, you better believe I know someone that can really dig into different topics and tech. Each month I invite a guest to speak on a topic that is popping up from the group.
  • Live & Self-Study Resources – Tech, tactics, mindset, what more could you want in a biz membership!
    Self-study area to grab workshops & join challenges you need right this minute.
  • Regular Work Parties – Have a project you're neglecting or just need to set aside time to work "behind the scenes"? Two meetings a month are quick check-ins and then a co-working session so you can ask me and the group for help with anything AS you are working on it.
  • Networking - Set your goals for the week and check in. Our private Facebook group is there for you to network and ask me questions any time. 

We celebrate a LOT in the membership and I'd love to be celebrating your wins with you as well.

Join the membership right now for only a $1. Yes, that's right...14 days in the membership for only $1.

Where else can you work with a coach that has 22 years experience online for only $1?