Thank you for signing up for Get Biz Done Challenge

3 Live Workshop Sessions

Dec 5, 6, & 9

2pm ET/11am PT


Dec 13

2-4pm ET/11am-1pm PT

Here are some first steps:

Join the Get Biz Done Group

Any time you post about the challenge use #GBDchallenge

Mark your calendar to attend the sessions live!

We meet in

Copy the Trello board if you'd like help organizing your crazy lists.

I will also go over some other options.

Planner pages to keep it simple and stay focused on your 3 daily must do's.

Replays will be on this page quickly after our workshop sessions.

The workparty will not be recorded.

Using the Trello Board

I have a Trello board set up if you would like to use it. This is not a requirement for being in the challenge. You can do something similar with your favorite online planning system. HERE are the planner pages I showed in the video.

How to copy the Trello board

How to use the Get Biz Done Challenge Trello board

Session 1 - 12/5

Hey hey! It's time to get more done by doing less lol For real!

So today we're going to be talking about intentions and goals you have for your biz and life. Getting everything off the many lists you have scattered around and out of your brain as well. Plus the big key to the GBD challenge, figuring out your 3 daily must do's.


Session 2 - 12/6

Recap yesterday for intentions and 3 must do's. Dig into when you are productive.

Future Session 3

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