A Bold Life Calls To You!
Hi, I'm Coach Val and I have brought together Bold Life Resources AND People to support you in creating your very best life possible!
I'm inviting you to jump in for my 2019 Bold Life Collection! Listen to the speaker series where I've featured 11 gutsy women sharing their experiences and expertise on living a bold life.
Because I don't want the motivation and support to end there, I've partnered with even more amazing women to give you instant access to 14 products and workshops valued at over $1000!

Access The Collection Now!
Your Ticket Is Only $26
Instantly Access These Products!
Every Bold Life Collection Buyer Gets Over $1000 In Products and Workshops!
Bold Boundaries Workshop
Improve your happiness by drawing lines
Figure out toxic relationships and how you can handle them or let them go with the least amount of drama. Figuring out boundaries opens us up to improved relationships with those we really love to be around.

Val Selby
Me Skills Private Coaching
VALUE $297
Self-Care 7-Day Challenge Intensive
If self-care is a thing of the past, here's your chance to focus on YOU for 7 straight days!
No, it's not selfish. Instead, it's a vital part of your overall well-being.
During these 7 days you'll receive a daily email and daily blog post with tips and ideas on how you can focus on self-care that day. You'll get to interact with all participants and myself in our FB group. 7 days is a small investment to focus on YOU. And you don't have to spend hours or loads of money on self-care. This challenge intensive will show you how quick and easy (but oh so important) self-care really is.
Master Class Experience: 3 Core Principles of Self Love
Become the best version of yourself, no matter what your age or stage
VALUE $247
Color Your Way to Gratitude
Adopt An Attitude of Gratitude And Change Your World
Color Your Way to Gratitude is a beautiful hybrid of a coloring book for grown-ups, and a journal to record the significant moments in your life.
Spend time in quiet reflection, while coloring, to truly appreciate and be thankful for your surroundings. An attitude of gratitude invites even more experiences for you to cherish and appreciate.
Instantly download and print.

Lane Therrell
Val’s BOLD LIFE Collection is not your typical information product bundle. That’s because Val infused her own personal boldness into it with her series of interviews. Through the interviews alone, I gained new insight into people whose work I’ve been following, and became aware of new presenters, programs, and potential JV partners I might never have noticed otherwise.
The information products paired with the inspiring personal stories of their creators caused me to look at my own solopreneur-self in a different, less judgmental, light. I was able to let go of the limiting belief that my voice doesn’t matter. There are so many people out there who can benefit from my knowledge and experiences, but not if I remain silent or play small.
Design a Night TIme Routine for a Happier Healthy You
Transform your nights so you can be well rested and prepared to show up each morning to have a good day.
I will help you DESIGN a Night Time Routine that will help you establish a self-care system so you get the sleep you need.
You will receive accountability, a Journal to record your journey, motivational emails and, a private Facebook Group for Support and Celebrating.
Guidance Through Intuition: Be Happier and More Confident Making Decisions
Learn how to tap into your intuition to make decisions that empower and support you in having peace and happiness
In this two week workshop, you will discover what your feelings are saying about your decisions, find your WHY for making intuitive decisions, and work step-by-step through four experiential exercises to connect with your intuition to make your best decisions. Discover how to tap into your intuition and make decisions that support you in having peace and happiness.
(Re)Create Your Best You
LIfe's Tough. Create it on your terms.
Discover how to be the best version of yourself for any stage of your life. This guide, workbook and planner helps take total control over how you want your life to be.
When you focus on becoming the best you possible, you take the power away from external sources of negativity and stress. You choose if or how something affects your life. You become more resilient, more successful and a whole lot happier.
Instantly download the guide, workbook and planner.
JJ Club Printables Pack
Make Your Life More Organized with a Planner, Journal, and eBook
It includes:
- Journal with prompts
- Planner with daily, weekly, monthly, meal list, and more
- Covers and divider pages
- Ebook about toxic people and how to deal with them
- Coloring pages
- Five affirmations

Jenny Journals
Discovering God's Unique Design in You
Discover who you are in Christ & start leading the life God planned for you
A three week Christian group coaching program.
VALUE $147
What Your Body Wants You to Know About Your Health & Weight
End the Diet-Binge Cycle & Develop a Peaceful Relationship With Food & Your Body
I personally overcame years of fighting with my body through chronic dieting, emotional eating, & binge eating disorder, thinking I was doing what was right for my "health." These behaviors are anything but healthy and can lead to many of the health conditions currently blamed on "obesity."
If you're as tired of the false hope and outright lies as I am, you'll be relieved to hear something different that will make more sense, after your experience with the diet-binge cycle and weight cycling (aka, yo-yo dieting + up & down weight gain). You'll learn how to achieve what I call, "Mind-Body Mutual Trust™," which will allow you to eat the foods you love, stop the day-to-day obsession, feel great in your body, AND eliminate that part-time (or even full time?) job of "controlling" your weight!
Break out of the diet prison now and get on with living life on your terms!
Self-Care Journal
"FOCUS ON YOU!" Don't feel guilty to take time for yourself.
Good self-care leads to good health, which in turn can lead to more energy and more time to spend doing the things you love. Your cup needs to be full so you can help fill others.
Grab this self-care journal/planner so you can do more than just survive.
Exclusive Sessions For You!
The Truth and Wisdom From These Women is Priceless.
Body Positive on the Runway
I'm sassy and sometimes sarcastic. I'm fat, bigger than I've ever been, but FREE and the happiest I've ever been. Living a life beyond my wildest dreams.
Being fat doesn't stop me from stepping out of my comfort zone & trying things I've been told "fat people can't do" (pole dancing, hiking, a hip hop dance class, burlesque classes, and yes...the runway). I'm on a mission to help other women catch a glimpse of their true shining selves so they can be empowered and live their best lives.
Why I Couldn't Love Myself
Bold really ought to be Kelly's middle name. She shakes off the common to create more of what she wants in the world; focusing on raising up leaders to create and serve communities that make a difference.
Why Setting Healthy Boundaries Can Make a Positive Difference In Your Life
Claudette Chenevert, known as The Stepmom Coach, works with stepmoms who are struggling to create a cohesive family life. Claudette, a Master Certified Stepfamily Foundation Coach helps stepmoms build and create strong and healthy stepfamilies by helping stepmoms focus on what they want as a woman, a partner, and a parent.
Claudette offers online support groups, self-study stepmom programs, and one-on-one coaching. Her book, The Stepmom's Book of Boundaries: How and Where to Draw the Line --for a Happier, Healthier Stepfamily? is available on Amazon.
The Fastest Path to Happy
Rayven Monique is the Queen of Color, and she's on a mission to spread joy and happiness throughout the world, one coloring page at time. When Rayven was pregnant as a surrogate mother, she turned to coloring as a refuge from intense morning sickness.
Realizing the value that coloring brings to so many lives, Rayven created a coloring empire, which focuses on happiness as our natural state of being. She lives in Florida with her partner (who brings her new flowers every time the old ones die), and wears a lot of silly hats on Facebook LIVE.
Sparkly Self-Love And Acceptance
Mary England believes her purpose on this planet is to bring happiness to other people. She has struggled with mental illness since she was eight-years-old, and lived in a dark place for a very long time, but made it through to the other side where she landed on a pile of glitter.
Mary quit her day job at a psychiatric rehabilitation center to focus on the things she loves the most in this world, and over time she has created a space on the internet that empowers people to live their life loudly, the way they want, without letting others influence them one way or the other. She wants to remind you what it's like to play out in the street with the wonder of a child. She wants to take your hand, and tell you sincerely that you are beautiful.
** Photo credit to Maura Housley Photography for the gorgeous headshot
Go From Waking Up Feeling Worn Out, to Feeling Alert and Capable Of Being Super Mom
Elizabeth Hughes Callison began a slow journey to practicing self-care for herself after getting a wake-up call that she had to undergo heart surgery during a time her children were most active. Her husband Randy was a supportive, involved parent and spouse, but he could not slow her down or heal her, it was a job she would have to learn on her own.
It wasn’t until YEARS later, after being an empty nester, that Elizabeth finally began making dramatic changes in her career, her home environment, and in her self-care routines. She finally figured out how to practice a sleep routine that would help her heal her mind and body each night. Elizabeth went from living a lifestyle of being a cheerful, yet worn out and weary woman, to a cheerful, more energized and healthier woman who takes true, proper care of herself.
3 Core Principles to Strengthen Your Self Love Muscle
Rosie believes that anything is possible and miracles happen every day. With the ability to help clients see clearly from a new perspective, she has coached hundreds of women to live better lives. She teaches her Self Love You-tensils and Spiritual Essentials as the foundation for uncovering what holds you back, discovering what you want and recovering who you really are.
How to Create More Happiness Consistently and Have All the Juicy Side-Effects of Happiness
Tessa is on a mission to help people squeeze as much joy and happiness out of life as they can, as fast as they can. Life and time are precious.
Tessa was "negative" on the happiness scale and had many of the side effects of unhappiness after her husband died from brain cancer. She eventually found a path back to happiness and shares it with others so they can save themselves precious time when it comes to creating more happiness consistently.
Creating My Best Self
I am a freelance writer who spent the better part of my adult life taking care of everyone else- mom to three boys, grandmother to five, and caregiver to a disabled, aging parent. I somehow lost who I was along the way, gaining over 80 pounds and falling into a bout with depression. Now that I'm no longer in the role of full time caregiver and mom, I discovered a way to find myself, become healthier, and enjoy this new phase of my life. And I want to help others do the same!
Your Body's On Your Side: Make Peace With Food & Your Body For Health, Happiness, & Pleasure
Intuitive Eating coach Gillian Hood supports women in breaking free from disordered eating, body hatred, and a life revolving around food. Women sick and tired of yo-yo dieting and the emotional and/or binge eating that follows are able to create a peaceful relationship with food and a compassionate, positive relationship with their bodies and themselves because of their transformational work with Gillian.
“Your thoughts are key in overcoming struggles with food, body, and weight,” she says. Clients trust her because she faced many of the same issues and overcame them using what became her proven Mind-Body Mutual Trust™ approach she uses with her clients.
5 Ways to Trust Your Intuition to Make the Best Decisions
Gabby has worked as a psychic and healer since 2008, online and in person. She has helped numerous clients feel better, find soul mates, and discover their life purpose. She also has helped with easing spirits to the other side and has brought comfort to those who have lost loved ones. She can see what will happen in the future, and the different paths you can take to make conscious decisions based on what your soul is saying to you.
She is a certified Life Coach, Remote Viewer, Hypnotist, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach, and Energy Healer.
All This & Connection Too!
When You Say Yes To The Bold Life Collection, You're Saying Yes To A Lot!
Speaker Series:
I interviewed multiple speakers on a range of topics geared to improve your self-confidence. Some of the women gave us a 30 minute class that they would normally charge for. They will inspire you with their Bold Life choices.
An Amazing Bundle:
Products, workshops, trainings, printables, coloring books, journals... YES! Many amazing products for you to download and sign up for at no extra cost. These are products the business owners and coaches charge for on their sites.
Our Own Private Community:
This is where I had to really put my unique spin on the event and combine my love of Facebook groups. I've created a group for you to connect with each other AND the speakers and contributors. Did you watch a webinar and have a question? Tag the speaker with your question and be guaranteed an answer. We'll have fun and serious questions in the group every day, and who knows, a quick contest could pop up at any time ;)
Empowerment, Happiness, & Living Your Best Life
These are words I live by. I'm rocking my 40's for a reason. I've decided to no longer let society and social media standards dictate what makes me happy. I've decided to laugh even more and jump into life. I've been on a journey to get to this place and I'm open to sharing the struggles along the road. I know you have an amazing story and I want to hear it. I want to be a part of your positive change.
The Bold Life Collection Is About Being Your Best You!
Say Yes To Your Bold Life!
© Val Selby. All rights Reserved I Disclosure, Disclaimer & Contact Info