I Look Forward To

Seeing Your New Etsy Shop

Access the workshop here

But before you head there...

I know that setting up your shop is just one step. Your shop won't make you money until you get products in there.

And not just one product, but multiple products. Create your brand and build your web presence.

I know this because my clients tell me they need accountability. So I've created a special 3 month VIP mastermind and you are getting the first invite.

Sign up now and we'll meet for 3 months where you'll get...

6 2-hour work parties

Access to me for any questions

Private group to brainstorm ideas with other members and myself

That's a lot of personal attention and I do that because I know that's where the magic AND the results are.

I love my bundle buyers, so you can use coupon code ETSYMONEY to take 50% off the crazy deal.

Sign up for the 3 month Etsy VIP Mastermind and get your shop loaded with products. That's our one and only goal!

Dates for the work parties are:

Wednesday May 25 1-3 pm PT

Saturday June 4 9-11am PT

Wednesday June 15 1-3pm PT

Wednesday July 13 1-3pm PT

Saturday July 30 9-11 am PT

Wednesday August 10 1-3pm PT