For online entrepreneurs who want to

get their products and services

out there making them money:

Introducing the

No Excuses VIP Day

A 1 day intensive dedicated to getting your project completed and launched so you can make sales and move your biz forward.

I absolutely LOVE having Val as my business coach! I'm a newbie to email/content marketing. I've been "playing around" with it for almost a decade and not really getting anywhere on my own. Val can sort out all of my wants, needs, and ideas and create a working checklist that will get it ALL done (providing I do my part). It is SO exciting to see my online dreams finally coming true!

janna skroch I create my life today

Janna Skoch

I Create My Life Today

Increase Conversions

Build your site

Build your mailing list

Build your funnels

It's time to Stop Procrastinating...

...and get your products and services out there to the world.

Let's Schedule your No Excuses VIP Day!


You can spend years learning, strategizing, and planning. But none of that will create the life you want. You need to get your website basics up so people can find you. You need to create that sales page explaining what you are selling. You need that mailing list working for you and doing it smoothly.

You need all your tools working together 

Adding more to your to do list won't grow your bottom line, but action does.

That is what your VIP Day is all about. You & I working together to get the pieces of your project completed so you can launch.


it's Time to get biz done

I know how easy it is to fill your to do list with busy work and not get the important things completed. Then a year later you still haven't launched that product or new service.

You are leaving money on the table month after month, week after week, day after day as you put off the projects you know will move you forward.

These VIP Days are all about focus which means we get your project completed and ready to share with the world.

Are you ready to treat yourself and your business to a day with me?

If you know this is for you, sign up today.

No Excuses VIP Day

$1300 USD

Every No Excuses VIP Day Includes:

  • 6 hour session working privately with me to put all the pieces together and complete your project. The emails, sales pages & thank you pages, all the way down to that payment button being in place.
  • Pre-VIP Day Strategy Session. I want to hear your goals and we'll talk about the things holding you back from getting it done so far.
  • Outlined to do list for the VIP Day so we each know our action plan. The beauty of our session is we will BOTH be working in your accounts getting the project completed. Yes, you do get to hand over the work to me that you do not like to do or haven't learned yet lol 
  • 30 Days of Email Support

Ready to book your VIP Day?

If you are ready to get to selling and offering your services to others, click the button below to purchase your VIP Day.

Investment: $1300

Once you've purchased, you'll get access to my calendar to book your strategy session and I will send over an intake packet so we can get started. 

I look forward to seeing your biz move forward!

Frequently asked questions

Where will we meet?

We will meet in zoom for our coworking day and our pre-session. The room will be open the entire VIP day session. Pre-make up food so it's easy to grab and you can eat while we work. You will want to keep your mojo flowing which means energy.

What tech do I need?

What you need will depend on the project you want to complete and how you want to deliver it.

HOWEVER, if you have hosting, an email platform, and a paypal account, we can get anything completed.

We will discuss what you may need to sign up for or to create in order to complete your project. If you are starting from zero and we are creating your website then I have suggestions for things to use based on your pricepoints and we'll go from there.

You do not need all the latest gadgets or gizmos. That is just an excuse to use when you are freaking out about getting your biz done.

Homework? HUH

This is your biz and it needs to have your stamp on things, which means your voice. 

After our pre-session meeting you will have some things to complete before our VIP Day. This is to ensure we can get everything completed for the project within the 6 hours.

Don't worry, the goal is to get your project done asap so your homework will be completely doable.

Do you guarantee sales?

I do not make any guarantee on your sales from your project. We will put some marketing in place and a plan for how to go forward, but it is going to take your effort after we put things in place.