live Training

You Are NOT An Imposter

March 22 & 24

11:00 am PST

One of the most shared issues I hear from my clients is

"I'm not good enough"

I have a not so secret, secret. Not a single one of us feels they are good enough all the time. NOT A ONE

Day 1: what's your why?

You got into biz for a reason. You had a passion. Let's get you remembering what that is.

Day 1: who's stopping you?

Besides what you tell yourself, you may have bullies in your life. We'll take a look and get some language set if that's an issue. NO to people stealing your happiness.

Day 2: What your good at?

Here's the thing and the only thing...we all have talents. I want you to own yours. So we'll start off day 2 digging into what your talents and expertise is.

Day 2: How can you blow it up?

Knowing we are good at stuff and things won't make us money. Time for a basic plan to make sure others know.

Join me in this live training to hush up your negative mind to create the life you envision will give you freedom & fun.

Hey! I'm Val

Proud Sharer of All Things

There's a big reason I talk about what I talk about. It's something I've gone through and learned from. One of my favorite things to do is share my experiences so you can grab things that will work for you and not have to dwell on issues as long as I have at times.

I have been online since 2000, so I have a lot of working online and balancing life experience. lol