Build Your Marketing Community

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But before you head there...

Get Seen, Get Known + Get Consistent Customers, Clients and Cash–Without Feeling Shady, Sleazy or Slimy

I understand: You created your business to do good work with good people–and make good money.

But as you’ve learned, calling yourself a coach, throwing up a website, making a few haphazard social media posts and maybe committing to a monthly email newsletter (with no real agenda) won’t attract the kind of clients–or cash flow–you need to survive, let alone thrive (or afford that yearly retreat in Bali or high-level mastermind!)

You know you need a solid, sustainable marketing strategy–and you’d prefer to do it in a way that feels good, nurtures relationships and creates long-term loyalty.

Well, I’ve got good news for any coach or workshop creator who wants to do good, make good money and feel-good promoting it…

Marketing Has Evolved–It’s Not About Fast Cash, Cheap, One-Time Transactions and Treating People Like “Just Another Number” Anymore

Even in our crazy digital age, this longtime truth still rings true: People buy from people they know, like and trust.

Enter, relationship marketing.

What’s relationship marketing? It means marketing yourself in a way that gets you seen and known quickly through real connections with real people–like colleagues, influencers and potential and past clients.

But beyond that, relationship marketing puts a high value on customer retention and creating repeat buyers: loyal, long-term clients who love what you sell and (ideally) love to tell others about you, too.

It’s the opposite of fly-by-night, one-time-only buyers and flash sales. It’s about building a solid KLT factor and sharing, caring and giving long before the sale and long after, too.

Basically? Relationship marketing is about marketing by putting people first.

Relationship Marketing is the Most Natural (Not to Mention Rewarding) Way to Market Yourself Online

Now, here’s the deal:

Odds are, if you’re reading this page, you’re doing some of this already. You’re treating the customers and clients you do have like gold–and maybe they’re already coming back for more or referring you out to others.

But imagine what would happen if you were added a little strategy to your current approach?

Just imagine:

Never stressing out over where your next client is coming from–ever again

Being consistently booked out (and maybe even starting a waitlist)

Recurring payments from evergreen products and signature launches rolling in everyday

Selling out your programs and products with total ease (and without the usual last minute freak outs and last-ditch discounts)

(Finally) being seen as an authority in your niche

Waking up to inquiries from ideal clients every single day (and no more refreshing your inbox or your Facebook messenger app like a crazy person hoping for a new one!)

Receiving spontaneous, public praise which leads to just-right-for-you referrals on the regular

Making more money this quarter than you did all last year combined

Having a business you’ve intentionally designed to last the long haul by focusing on customer retention and satisfaction!

That’s the power of relationship marketing.

The truth is, your job as a coach isn’t just to do great work. You also need to make sure your great work gets found.

Relationship marketing is the easiest–and least sleaziest–way to do that, and feel great about it!

Introducing Relationship Marketing: Connections, Client Loyalty, and Cash Workshop

This new 4-module workshop will walk you through everything you need to know to get started with your own relationship marketing strategy, so you can build genuine connections, grow your client loyalty and retention rates and make more cash quickly.

You’ll discover how to build your know, like and trust factor fast (without sacrificing your integrity), get out of your comfort zone and make powerful connections that’ll move your business forward by leaps and bounds, turn your current clients into raving fans, plus add more value to your offers, your clients’ lives and your bottom line, all at the same time.

Module 1: Build Strong Relationships and the Money Will Flow

In this first module, we’re breaking down how you can connect with real people in genuine ways that don’t make them feel “sold” to–and make more money as a result. We’re going to dive deep into:

  • Proven techniques to build the Know, Like, and Trust factor with your ideal community fast–without giving up your integrity
  • The biggest roadblock to getting ideal clients to care about you–and how to overcome it
  • The one-two content marketing punch that quickly builds trust and credibility (without spending every minute churning out new content)
  • The one thing you must do with your content to be seen as likable and trustworthy – miss this, and you’ll be working far harder than you need to!
  • The simplest way to get people to rave about you (without you having to ask) and create an explosion of appreciation that leads to more clients
  • Why word of mouth is still your best advertising strategy–and how to authentically connect with one client at a time
  • What super CEO’s can teach you about relationship marketing (even though they’re notorious introverts!)

Module 2: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make Powerful Connections

For every successful entrepreneur, there are thousands who remain stuck. What’s the problem? Most entrepreneurs are afraid to reach out and leverage the power of connections. This module is all about how a few ‘uncomfortable’ actions and asks can take you from “Nobody knows me” to “Everybody loves me,” fast.

Inside, we’re going to talk about exactly how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable so you can create mutually beneficial connections with people you like and admire, including:

  • 4 highly effective techniques that’ll help you connect with others and bring in more cash and clients–and boost your own confidence, too!
  • Why making powerful connections is less about what you’re DOING and more about how you’re BEING (and how to BE the type of person people are dying to connect with)
  • How to nix your fear of reaching out for good–and which small actions you can take today to start building rapport with your industry’s biggest influencers
  • A simple way to “get known” by your fave experts quickly (this is actually really easy and can even be fun!)
  • The art of the JV and how to run a successful collaboration (and get instant access to a virtual goldmine of leads–aka a pool of people who already know, like and trust you!)
  • Why speaking is the holy-grail in the world of online and offline connections–and how to start booking gigs to raise your authority status (even if you’re super shy)
  • The one strategy that will put you on the fast-track to better connections with others and more confidence in your own social skills (hint: it has to do with getting out from behind your computer!)
  • Exactly how to leverage the power of video through webinars, Facebook Lives and Telesummits–without stressing yourself out (yes, even if you’re camera shy)
  • How to squeeze the most out of every single connection you make–so you never feel like you’re just “collecting names” for no reason

Module 3: Turning Clients into Raving Fans

Let’s be honest: You should always deliver on your promise to your clients and customers. So, if you really want to make sure your subscriber won’t allow herself to be lured away to your competitor’s latest launch, you need to go above and beyond. In this module, we’ll talk about why “under-promise and over-deliver” is the most vital (and sadly, most underused) ‘strategy’ in every coach’s marketing playbook as we dive deep into:

  • Little-known ways to increase current customer loyalty and longevity (without spending a ton of money or time)
  • The “3 Ps” of customer retention – and how to use them to boost your loyalty score AND your bottom line
  • The counterintuitive way to breed customers who adore YOU (this is so dead-easy to do you’ll kick yourself for not having started already)
  • Boosting your services’ value–and your client’s satisfaction–with bonuses (without going overboard and overwhelming them with information!)
  • Innovative techniques for rewarding customer loyalty (you probably haven’t heard these before!)
  • Delighting your clients with irresistible product and programs that feel custom-made just for them

Module 4: Maximize Your Cash Flow

In this final module, we’re talking about how to put your customer first and still be strategic about your numbers. (Yes, it IS possible!) During module 4, you’ll learn how to create a repeatable system–or funnel–that gives your clients multiple, ongoing options for working with you and provides you with multiple, ongoing streams of income. Here’s what we cover:

  • Practical tips for “fixing” and filling in the gaps in your sales funnel–so there’s always a clear flow from one product to the next to keep your prospects engaged
  • The top ways to “level up” your offers and add new income streams as you grow your influence, including VIP Days, live events and doubling the value of current offers by adding guest experts to your programs
  • Why and how to use your improved relationships to charge higher rates so you make more money–all while retaining the customers you already have (and love)
  • Simple tweaks you must make to your offers so you always have “something for everyone”–no matter how long they’ve been working with you!
  • The most effective way to create enthusiastic brand ambassadors who sing your praises (for free)

Use coupon CONNECT

A Delighted Customer is a Devoted Customer

Relationship marketing is truly the most effective, least salesy way to:

  1. 1
    Get your name and face in front of more dream clients faster–without looking spammy
  2. 2
    Create true connections with both clients and customers and colleagues (who will eventually market for you)
  3. 3
    Run a sustainable, successful, business that helps people by providing the resources they need and love!

Use coupon CONNECT to get this for only $17

It’s true: Relationship marketing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, but if you put in the work to create rewarding, strong connections, you will be rewarded with more clients, customers and cash.

Not just today, but for months, years and even decades to come.

Biz Boldly,

P.S. This course is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to build a better coaching business, simply email me within 7 days for a fast, courteous refund.

Click here to sign up today. Make sure you use coupon code CONNECT.