VFV Ep 45 [00:00:00] All right, everyone, we're back for another episode. I'm so glad that you are here and you're gonna be glad that you are here as well, cuz I have a guest today and I know we've talked quite a few episodes about procrastination and those issues that we have and we set in place and the blocks that we set in place. but there's, So many ways that we can go about it and make changes. And then there's also the standards that we all need just like pushed into our head constantly. So today I have Margaret Agard here and I am excited to have you here and talk about, A little bit more of the spiritual approach as well. I'm going to assume because that's gonna be in everything you do, right? Yes. But, um, could you please tell my listeners a little bit about you and, we'll go from there. Okay. I'm Margaret I have eight children. At one point I was a single mom and the sole financial support of those children I was working at in the high tech industry, I was an [00:01:00] executive. I eventually stepped away from that and started consulting business just so I would have more flexibility and more freedom, and I was one of the few. and I had, at one point, right during this whole time, decided to go back and finish the last of my degree. So I was about, two semesters away from a degree in math, and I won't say that word again cuz I guess we, a lot of people hard Okay. And then, I was going to school, I had these kids at home. Some were in college and some were in high school. Mom was in junior high. . also, again, I was working for a while so I've worked as an executive. I stopped that when I was going to school and, and started a consulting business. And then I went back as an executive. And what was happening during that time is I was just overwhelmed. any one of those things going to school full-time and I was doing it at night and you couldn't do it online then you had to actually drive to. When I was doing it, and then, working as an [00:02:00] executive, that's just, you know, they, they want your heart and soul and 70 hours a week basically. And raise in your family? and with teenagers, you know, teenagers, you think, oh, well they're teenagers. No, you need more time with the teenagers. And they're usually going home at night because it got activities or maybe part-time jobs and things. But the, here's the point. at one point had like ever I'm at of a few weeks, I did things based on my priorities and like finished a paper that was due for a class or got a proposal together for a client and went in only to find out I didn't need to have it that day because again, this wasn't online, you had to go in a hand your papers in and there was a note on the door saying the professor was. So he would be collecting the papers, two class times away. And I thought, oh my gosh, if I known that I wouldn't have spent all those hours working on that paper. I [00:03:00] could have used it in a better way. And the same thing had happened with a client proposal, but I had it ready and I went and I, oh, you know, we, we thought about it and we wanna completely revamp how we're gonna Oh, Yeah, I know I'm not gonna have pages, you know, like 12, 15 pages of this proposal and at the time I was hard to getting any sleep. There was just too much going on. I was lucky to get four hours sleep a night and even then I would wake up in a panic thinking we're, have a nice done. And I'm big list maker. A big list maker, especially then, cuz I was afraid, I forget. Mm-hmm. so what happened is I was thinking to myself, if I only knew the future, like if I had known that that professor wasn't gonna need that paper, I wouldn't have done the paper until later. I, I could have fitted in at a different time. Or if I had known the client was gonna change it, I maybe it wouldn't have worked quite so hard on it. Right? So then I thought, because in addition to a degree in math and some people are like, how to be a scientist and this, I also had a close connection with, with [00:04:00] God or the Divine, or however you talk to it. I know how to connect to that, universal intelligence, that spirit. Your higher power My higher power. And so I thought, well, I know who does know the future and I'm gonna start asking him. And so what I did was I would take my list right now like, okay, I gotta get to get dishes done. I gotta pick up some groceries and I have to finish that paper and I have to invoice these clients. Cause I used to think, why am I not getting paid? And I thought probably cuz I didn't invoice them. Right you know, like that , that kinda thing. And then, . and then I would just take it and say, what do I really have to do today? and even if I would say like something I didn't expect, like if he had said to me, don't write that paper. I'd have been like, don't write the paper. That'd be crazy. But I had to learn to really trust the answers I got. And as I started to do that within a matter of weeks and really only. , my life was completely under control. I was finished by eight o'clock at [00:05:00] night every night. So I could just kick back and relax, maybe talk with the kids. As I came in and out, I did not wake up in the middle of the night panic stricken thinking, what haven't I done? What did I leave off the list? Because I knew it was being handled by someone who, could see the bigger picture, of the future and everything. Oh my gosh. I needed that so bad back when I went back to school because I, I mean, I feel my shoulders just going up when you're talking about it, because I was there and I'm like, I, I can remember waking up on the couch because I'd get home at 10 o'clock from class, work on the homework immediately because it was already in my brain, and then all of a sudden I'd fall asleep on the couch. You know, , it's like, it's like, and yeah, and just constant. Ugh. Just stress. I wish I would've had that cuz I'm a list girl. So you, you better believe. Same thing you just said, I had a ton of lists because I knew I would forget things like, like where's the child? Forget things. Yes. Yes, yes. And you [00:06:00] know, my kids are coming and going and honestly, you know, kids, teenagers, they don't wanna talk to you at three in the afternoon. They're in at three in the morning. Can we talk like Right. Yeah. So, so when you say, , you would hear what the answers. I mean, did you literally hear You know, it's funny cause I always think, um, so people who are experienced with, uh, hearing that inner voice, to me it's like, um, a thought and somehow in my heart too. So somehow there's a connection between my heart and my mind and it's a thought. Uh, I'm not actually talking out loud. I'm not actually hearing. Uh, audible voice. it's just a thought. Like the thought we're having, like what is she saying or what does she mean? How does that work for me? That thought, and I had learned to discern the difference between just my random ADHD speaking up and this kind of calm thought that actually is that guidance from my higher power. Mm-hmm. And [00:07:00] if you don't have. I think some people call it their intuition or their gut. I just knew in my gut this was the right thing to do and, and you can begin to discern it that way. And also because I did believe in prayer. I just actually asked in my twenties one time, I said, I don't know how to hear your voice. People talk about it all the time. I don't know how to do it, so will you help me? I've had some experiences where I did actually learn to hear, that voice and be able to respond. And that right there is a really good one, I think. because I know for me, as I've gotten more into all of the spiritual stuff, it's almost like I I want to force it because I want it to happen. right. asking, so I love that you had said that. You asked for it. You're like, okay, I don't, I don't feel this. I don't know this. Can you show me? You know, and every everybody knows I am like spiritual, I'm not super religious, and all of every single religion has a higher power. , [00:08:00] even the non religions, we all have a higher power. I am like, so just, just take it in and put whatever word you want into there. And believe me, I had to embrace that. it's like it's whatever it means to you as your higher power. Ask them, , ask them and great. And it was amazing because when I first started, I was saying, what do I need to do that? That's all I just, just get me through today. What do I need to do? And then pretty soon what was interesting was how much got taken off the lift? I really don't need to do this. , you know, especially type A, you know, if we think we have an extra hour, we'll I not fill it with something. Right? Yeah. Instead of chilling. Now, Uhhuh, . Instead of taking the downtime Yes. but after a while I began to say, what do you want me to do? Ooh. think that's when my life really changed. That was when I actually found my true purpose, when I actually found that I have a purpose in life and here's what it is, [00:09:00] and here's where I fit into this whole worldview. So I don't know. I think that the sooner the younger people are when they start asking, what do you want me to do? And a lot of times I, as I said, I will make up, I will write, I still write my whole list out. It's not like I sit down there with a blank sheet of paper and say what you want to do? Ill have things written on it. And often it's like, that's good plan. Go for it. And other times, that's good plan. Let's make a few changes. right. Uh, see, I like that. I, yeah, because I think, I think that a lot of people do have this like, Expectation, like I was saying before of, okay, well this voice is just gonna come in my head, and it's gonna tell me exactly what to do and life would be great. And it's like, no, we have, we have to put action steps in there. as well. Cause we have to take control of what we're doing, right. to take the action. so I love that you're talking about the fact that you're not just sitting there with a blank piece of paper waiting to be told what to do and add [00:10:00] that No, you know, you're still human, right? We're still all human, so we're still going through those lists at times and creating the cajillion list, the brainstorm list as we like to call it. Right. right, right. And it, and it's interesting because the, biggest changes in my life have come. Some small thought that was a big thing. Do you know what I mean? Like you might have a thought, like start a podcast and then you're like, Hmm, okay, so that's not like I'm gonna do it today and cross it off my list. That's gonna be, I don't have a clue. So I better find out what that takes and you know, what, how I, I mean, all the things you have to learn, like what kind of equipment and how do I edit it? , where do I put it? And so a lot of times I had thoughts like that, do this. And part of it was why I wrote the books. It was, I want you first to write it online. And that started in, in 99. That was before WordPress even existed. I started writing, my experiences online and [00:11:00] that after a few years of that, it was now write a. and I started trying to like people, if they write a memoir, they'll go through their journals and things like that and then rewrite it in a different way. And it was like, no, what you put online is already it. And it's not, doesn't read like a blog. It reads more like, I don't know how to put it, but I am talking about the answers I got and how I acted and what I, what I learned from it. Because you really have to learn how. Do it Yeah. and not, I mean, how to do it is pretty easy, right? I just said, here's how you do it. And that's pretty easy. But then it's everything that you bump up against that. it makes it hard. Like, you know what I don't wanna ask today? I don't wanna know what he wants, right. right? Or. Yeah, and that can go on for me for a couple of weeks before I think, you know, I probably should go ahead and ask again. And, and I, I love that asking, what do you want me to do? [00:12:00] That's, that's a totally different way of, of looking at my to-do list. and hopefully listening a little bit more. Um, so I don't find it ironic or anything anymore. I am always having the, the right people are always coming in for the conversations on the podcast when I need them, because I mean, this year has been, you know, I just turned 50. So this year has been that, that changeover decade of, of what do I want? and asking myself constantly, what do I want? and it's been a stumbling block for me, so why, why not change my wording to what do you want from me? And my experience has been that, our higher power knows us and Loveless and knows. Mean he knows us the way we love, we know our children. You know, like, you don't know me really. Cause I can remember when you were kicking in my wound and I was, I mean you like when you came out. Right? And so, and I think that that's how it felt with me. Like, are gonna love this. Yeah. Yeah. I, the changing of the wording [00:13:00] helps me so much. So, so hopefully it's gonna help you guys out there too. it's, the power of your words or thought is pretty incredible, just by changing a couple of words when you're doing it. Of, of not what do I need to be doing now and the tenses, but, you know, what do you want me to do, you know? Well, you know, Val, what's also interesting about that is I know people, oh, I just forget the word for it. What is it? Where you said some like, I want this an intention, or whatever you call it, and you focus on that, whatever that is. And I thought, well, what's the difference between that and when I have this thought for my higher power to do this? and I thought, well, if it comes outta my brain, I'm trying to make myself do it. I'm trying to, you know, marshal all the, I don't know, little electrons to all get on the same, but when I get it for my higher power, I know I can do it because I wouldn't be asked to do it if I couldn't. right? And so I have a very different attitude towards when my higher power says, I want you to do this now, [00:14:00] versus just something I came up with out of the. Right, right. Which, I mean, we didn't come up with it out of the blue. I mean, we were told to do it. It's just how, how are we gonna listen? What's gonna make us listen , you know, what's going to make us trust that what we're feeling we should be doing is what? What we should be doing, you know? And that could be the hard one, especially if, especially if you're going through anything at, and you've got all of these choices right now. Like, that's what I feel like. Yeah. You just watched my shoulders go up, um, Yep. I've got all of these choices and they're so amazing and I just, I have to sit down and I just have to pay attention to, okay, which direction is the right one for me at this time? You know? Which one's the one that you want me to go? Yeah. so. . A lot of the times when I'm going through that and I know my clients are feeling the same way, I'm sure your clients are feeling the same way. we look at all that and we're asking ourselves, where are we gonna go? What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get there? You know? And procrastination sets in, right? Yes. [00:15:00] Okay, here, we block ourselves immediately, right? We're like, ah, I'm not gonna do anything. I'm gonna go to Netflix, Well, there is this, you know, like once it was, oh my gosh, a woman's house in our church had burned down and it was, we were at that time living in West Virginia. It, like, she didn't have insurance on it. You can get insurance on half those houses. And I think we helped her get, like a RV that she was living in and it was decent, three bedrooms, but you could tell she just wanted a house. all these different options and opportunities and who might do it. But I think about two years after she'd been in that rv, I was sitting in church one day and it was, you need to build her a house. Not like, I mean, like, I need to build her house. And I'd worked with Habitat for Humanity. So I, I thought, well, maybe we should try to start a Habitat for Humanity. And our county wasn't big enough for one, and even if you did, it would take you a couple of years. And I was like, no, you build her house. and I thought, uh, you know, like, it's not like I'm a construction [00:16:00] Right. Yeah. All of a sudden you're like, oh my God. All the steps, all the, this Yes, yes. And you know, and I mean, like, I think I went out, like trying to raise money and putting in all these big, I, I think it was, is it called 64 lumber? 54 lumber. I actually gave us a $10,000 donation right up front. That was amazing. I think the p, the person I called to follow up, she was amazed that we got it Everything. And then I got people in the community to help and people who knew how to do construction. We built, it was just a small house. It was about 600 square feet, but she was single Mm-hmm. it took about a year to do it and I just am like, huh, well look at that. right? and I stuck away. There was a thought of how to do it, and it just was, it's one of those things where you look back and you think, huh? Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't, I can tell you it was not a thought that would've ever come into my mind, um, on my own right. Because yeah, you're not in, you're not in [00:17:00] construction, so it's not, you know, your wheelhouse of, oh, okay, well I'll just get these people together and we'll build a house, right. And I don't think, I mean, I'd never started kind of a volunteer group before. I'd never done any of those things. and never applied for. Donations from big companies and somehow, somehow Yeah, we made it all work. And part of me thinks part of it is just God's way of saying, see how much I love her? yeah, I mean, cause she was kinda alcoholic mess. But he loves for two. He loves our alcoholic messes. Right. Yep. Cuz yeah, cuz none of us are perfect , that's for sure. None of us are perfect . So what do you suggest for, um, the procrastination and when it starts setting up, when, when you start noticing that, oh, okay, I'm, I'm writing my to-do list from , you know, where. Well, that's part of the reason I, I don't feel so [00:18:00] often that I procrastinate because I have such a short list of what to do that I've prayed about the night before and know I'm gonna get started on the next day. That even if it's something hard, it's usually I'll ask for like, do I have to do this first? You know, what should I do first? And it'll be the hard thing that I'm putting off. And so that, that helps me with the procrastination. Right. And then second it was, you know, like if you'd been told build somebody a house, what? So the first thing I had to do is just figure it out, right? So the first thing I do is make a list, like, what do I have to do first? And then I just start on the first thing. If I've been putting it off, it's usually because I either don't like doing it or I don't know how to do. So in both those cases it's, I'm gonna make the list of what I have to do and just do the first thing on there. And then once I'm doing it, I usually just roll onto the second and the third. And it, sometimes it's just find out how, you [00:19:00] know, like find out how, and other times it's um, you know, I hate to cook. And every once in a while I get a thought to take food to a sick neighbor. And I. , you know, there are people that like to cook. Why don't you tell them, you know, Yeah. But I'll just get up and just say, okay, this is the first thing I'm gonna do before I do anything else, is make this pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and haul it over to my lady I know who has covid right now. Right. And um, and, and you know, the first step for me would be, um, just get the pot out and the stuff that has to go in it. Right. Stare at it for a while and then just do it. Just do it. You know, it's one of the things you just do it, like when you're, you talk to yourself like a teenager, right? Like you, you, you've argued about doing the dishes for longer than when have taken you to just do this. Right. Exactly. [00:20:00] You just done 'em. They've been done by now. It would take two minutes, but, but you've wandered around the house 500 times going, uh, I hate dishes. Right. I'm sure that's how my higher power feels with me. Like, look at the list again. Do it. Yeah. You know, and one thing that I've really paid attention to is when there's stuff on my list and you know exactly what you said, it's usually something that I don't know how to do or I just really don't wanna do it. I have made sure to voice that, you know, whether it's voice it in my head that well, you know, can. Can you bring somebody to me that's gonna do this for me? You know, or, or even just asking in my friend's group, you know, is there somebody that wants to do this for me? Kind of thing, and, and instead of feeling like I have to do it all myself all of the time, and I'm getting better about that. Because, I mean, of strong women, it's we're, we we're, we're haven't been very good about asking for help all along the way for many generations. so I'm really working [00:21:00] on that, of asking, you know, whether, whether I'm asking inside, okay, bring, can you bring me something, you know, manifesting, you know, I, I would like help with this I don't wanna do it. And also voicing it out there and looking for the help, asking for the help. right. Or like on LinkedIn, like who knows? Someone who knows. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And that's helped me so much by just taking things off of my, off of my list or, or learning something so much faster Right, because somebody will come in and they'll be like, oh yeah, I can show you how to do that. And it, it's like that right. Someone who me trying to find the tutorials and I don't know what I don't know. So I don't even know how to search through the tutorial to find Oh my gosh, yes. I just did that the other day. Like I don't even know what word to use. Right. Uh. It's like, how can, how can I figure out how to do this when I don't know what to search? Right, It's like, bring me a coach, somebody trading anywhere, . [00:22:00] So I always tell my clients to do exactly what you said and do the, the much shorter list. I think a lot of the key thing for not for breaking the procrastination is what you said about doing it the night. Yes. Because I'll think in the morning. You know what I mean? And, and if I wanna sleep, sometimes I have to just, like I said, get the pot out. Just get a few things out so that when I get up, I'm ready to go. And that's the reason I ask at night, because I used to ask in the morning, you know, what do you want me to do today? Here's my list. And by then I'm committed to it, you know, thought about it and kind of like slept on it. No, I'm ready. So that's why it's better to ask at night. And also sometimes if it's something I I'm putting off, I, can just kinda lay. what I'm gonna need the next day Get started. Yeah. And I know it helps for sleep because otherwise, there's a lot of the times that it's just rolling around in my head. It's like, oh, we can do this, we can do that. This needs done, this needs done. And it's like, Nope, you know it. I [00:23:00] already wrote it down. It's all good. Yep, yep. I have the tools out or Mm-hmm. Now I found a way, this is interesting because I thought, you know, I'm not having trouble with sleeping at night with, with my brain going crazy So I've started doing something else for totally different reason, but then I realized, oh, it's working to keep my brain from going crazy. People said, if you wanna change the way you think, there's a couple of things that can change it because, you know, we've just, like, we, we've started a way of our attitudes and life start from when we're infants before we even have words. So how do you change that, like your theta brain and it goes into, and it said the way to access, the only way to access the theta brain is either, well, there's three ways, like hypnotism. it's kind of where your brain is when you're in between asleep and a. and you're falling asleep and you have those weird thoughts, you know, that all the sudden realize actually you aren't awake because for some reason you thought you were wearing a white dress with blacks and you aren't so right. The third thing you can do is just constant [00:24:00] And so what I decided to do is trying to change the way I was thinking about some things is that as I was falling asleep at night, I would just say the things that I wanted, the new attitude I. For my case, it was I am loved. I always feel like I'm not really loved. I'm not really lovable. So that's what I've been working on. So I'm like, I am loved and, and I can actually kind of feel the universe is of love for me at that point. And so as I'm falling asleep, I'm seeing over and over again, I am love, I'm, well guess what? Can't be thinking two things at the same time. So I can't be thinking I am love. And oh yeah, and then don't forget to do this. And don't forget to do that. I do start there. I come right back to that, the new thought I'm trying to get into my date of brain and recently I'm you, I'm in my seventies and I have to tell you now in your fifties, I do remember going through that. What do I wanna do with the rest of my life? Right? Well then 20 years later, you're probably still in good health and like my mom just died at 96, so I'm like, what do I wanna do with the next 20 [00:25:00] years that I have? I'm in the same question. What do I wanna do? I have no idea where I was going with that. No, no. You know, the wording you used though of what do I wanna do with the rest of my life? That's, a rewording that I have, I have decided, because I was getting stuck on that because that feels so big. And so I, I really changed it to what do I want to do now? It doesn't have to be forever. And again, asm, what do you want me to do? And that question is there too. Oh. Oh. So that's where it comes from the answer I got as I was thinking about my life and my busyness was, I want you to relax and enjoy your life. Mm-hmm. I thought really? I mean, not just be a to-do machine. right? Not to be Type A and, and get everything done. Yeah. And it's been very interesting to just, and it's interesting cause I still do the same. Yeah,[00:26:00] but with a completely different attitude. right. More fun. I assume. Yeah. A lot more fun and and enjoyable as you're doing it. I'm even starting to like cooking, which is very weird. yeah. Now if I start liking house cleaning, that's when somebody needs to check me in somewhere. , it's like, I love cooking, but house cleaning. No, no, no, no. I will, I will hand code a website again before I do that. That's right. before. That's So I love this direction that you've gone, and all of that you are listening to and, and everyone, if you're listening, you know, as she's talking, , you know, she's coming in from, from her perspective with her higher power. but if you, if you are listening to her words, I mean, this is what we're talking about when we're talking about being spiritual, all of this, it's, you know, some people call it prayer. Some people call it manifestation. You know, there's words and don't get tripped up on 'em. , don't get tripped up on 'em. You know, [00:27:00] trust your feelings, trust what you're being told. trust your direction. , which is scary, right? Yeah, so here's, here's what I've noticed is I have a thought and I argue with it, and that thought comes back again and I argue with it. So that's how I learned to recognize that's my higher power, because I don't argue with myself. You know, if I think, Hey, I think I'll run to the store and get some noodles, I just do it. If the thought comes, I want you to run to the store and get some noodles. , I might think, well, I don't need noodles, you know, or I don't need 'em till tomorrow. Right? And then the thought comes again, go to the store and get some noodles. And I'm like, I just, I don't need 'em. And then the third time the thought comes, I think, oh, is this God? Is this my higher power? And then I'll go and something will happen. I'll turn out. I did need those noodles. or I, I'm on my way. I live in the country and we often give people a ride for so many people who live in our part of the country, which is where people who are disabled go to hide out and try to live cheap lives. Cause their cars are always branding there. So I will always, I will [00:28:00] offer people rides and I'll think, oh, that's probably why I had to run through the noodles cause this person needs a ride and Correct. Yeah. Yeah. I've had to really listen. I mean, just like in the last two days, had to listen. I was, in my, a meeting with, or, uh, yeah. , our club, our spiritual club and . I was in there and it started, I started talking about something and, and I have been asking for a local retreat to happen because up here in Seattle, I have a lot of friends in, in Florida and Florida's way more fun for retreats with the sun and the beach, right? But it's also $1,200 each way right now for me to fly. So my God. so I've been asking, you know, for, for probably years of I want something local. I want something local and something local. was brought to me. And like you said, all of a sudden I start arguing of why I can't do it. I don't know anybody. It's gonna be, you know, nobody that I know is there. It's all new people. Oh my God, this is scary. And and throwing all of that out there. And thankfully I talked it out in the meeting because I'm like, [00:29:00] okay, seriously, you've asked for this and here it is, and now you're saying no, I know. I just had that happen and it's kind of a sad thing, but there it's, I kept, you know, how the market was going up and up, but we, I don't have a lot of stock. I mean, literally I don't have a lot of stock. And I was like, listen, that's gonna peak at some point, so why don't you tell me when he's gonna peak and I'll sell it then. And I'm telling you he did. And I did not sell it because I started reading like financial things and then, you know, like a month later, orlop and I, and now it's like, well now what? Cause I don't wanna sell a loss. And he was like, well just hold it on for 10. Yeah. I have it on my 10-year calendar. Okay. Don't stock until 10 years Yeah. And, and it's like you, you sit there and you're just like, I didn't listen. Right. I, I, this also says I'm gonna be a large 10 years from now. That's what I think. Cause I don't know how I can wait to sell it for 10 years. I'm like, okay, I got another 10 years. Yep. , [00:30:00] right, right. So that's part of listening as well is, I mean, we're being told what to do. We are. Yes. but we have to pay attention and we have to actually follow through on the what we're being told or we get to learn the lesson. yes, they won't just tell. The thought won't just come one time. That's what I'm trying to say. It's not like they try, you've being told once and then you sort it. It will come multiple times and sh I have to notice I am blowing this thought off and I need to listen. Yep. Yep. And one of those times you will listen everyone. You will. So are there any last words that you'd like to leave for advice? We, we've, you've had excellent advice for, for the listening and intuition right now and, and, and the procrastinating in all of that. but are there any one last words that you'd love to Can I mention my book? Because it's No, that's what, yeah, that's where we're going right now for sure. That was, yeah. Okay. Well, I just say the [00:31:00] sooner you get started, the better that. I just wish I just started sooner. That's all. I, that's the only difference that I have between where my life is today and the life. I love that I, I, I didn't know I would love this life. I mean, it wasn't on my 20 year plan, but the sooner you get started, the better. Yes, absolutely. And you've got books to help with that. Okay. I have Am I right? Oh, yeah, yeah. No, we're, we're absolutely going into your books. We're entrepreneurs around here, It's so funny cause I thought, why am I not really selling books? The hosts buy him. But, then I thought, well, I'll, we'll talk about it later, Val. But here's the point. Most of the, what I've shared with you today are stories in the book because it's, the book is called In His Footsteps. I gave my to-do list to God and got more doubt, more sleep, and less stress, and whatever words you wanna put to that. There it is, and I start with how I first started and how I learned to hear and pay attention to that thought or voice that is coming from a [00:32:00] higher power and the times I blew it off and what I learned from the things I did do. And so, yeah, and love, that's what it really comes down to, but I really realized that the whole thing is how loved we. yeah, yeah. And by people we don't even. Really know are sending the love. That's been the beautiful thing is I've gotten out out of my comfort zone and talked to more people, join volunteer groups and stuff like that. It's just like, it's like, wow, there's a lot of love out there and not as much negative as you feel like. when you're sitting at home taking in the negative, right? so yeah, that we don't need to go down that rapid trail. . I won't squirrel you guys. I promise I won't. Squirrel . So thank you so much for being here, Margaret and everyone, um, all of her information's gonna be on there, so you can go and grab her book right now so you can start figuring out what you're being told and not listening to what. What is in your life already that could help and make your life even happier and, all the beautiful of that, that information's gonna be in there, so you [00:33:00] can go and grab it right away. Thanks for being here, Margaret. I appreciate you I'll talk to you guys later.