All right, peoples. Okay. How are you doing today? I just wanna like really yell out like a big Ooh, I moved away from the mic and did it really softly. That's not my usual woo. I'm actually usually a woohoo girl. Holy crap. There's been a lot going on behind the scenes. Doesn't that sound mysterious and like normal, what people say? I know. I'm sorry. I'm not here to be mysterious except for I'm going to be, but let's talk about clarity first. Um, clarity. A word so many of us are looking for the meaning of with our business, right? If we could just find clarity, we'll have so many answers, and then we look for it and we fight for it, and we pay for it, and we just beat ourselves up about it and about not having clarity And wowza, I'm here at a point of clarity. So I'm doing this, okay, I'm gonna talk about clarity, and I want you to come in with an open mind, please, and open heart as well. Don't come in all hater. Cause I know how this feels when people are talking about clarity and they have felt it. I have been there for so many different times in my life when I'm like, I don't fucking know what I wanna do. I don't know where I wanna go. Why isn't anybody buying any of my shit? Why is nothing working? I'm trying so hard. And then somebody comes into your life and they've got clarity and you're just like, I'm gonna fucking punch you. Okay. I'm just gonna punch you and it's gonna be okay for me. I'm gonna feel better. so I hear you. I feel you. I've been there. I will probably be there again. Let's be honest. I mean, Still got a lot of years left in this business thing. That means that there's going to be more growth. But right now, I've never had more clarity in my life and it feels amazing. And so as I'm going through it, I want to bring you along as well because one of the things that I was noticing is, I mean, for one, if we're, we're gonna have to go woowoo cuz that's just gonna have to happen. For the last few weeks, I've been out of sorts. I mean, like to the point two weeks ago, my shoulder had a nut form in my shoulder of over the size of a sand dollar, and it's deep. My acupuncture was just like, okay, well let's work on it. And she's just like, holy crap, this is deep. I love my acupuncturist. She's, I've only been with her for a few weeks and amazing. And I like her as a person a lot. And that happened as everything was starting to get closer to clarity. Like it was like a nut. I'm like, I was telling it later, I'm like, okay, we found our clarity. That means you could go away now. Right? Yeah. Not so much, but, but I was exhausted and I don't mean just the chronic issues. Exhausted, yes. On top of that, but, so that feeds into it, but absolutely just exhausted. Mentally, physically, I don't even wanna think. I don't want to put together words. I don't want to. I don't want to watch TV even, you know, it's bad when Val doesn't wanna watch the movies and the TVs and the binge watch stuff. You know that that's a hard spot. Right. I, if you've been listening for a little while, you know that, and that's where I was and it was hard for me. I mean, my husband even went on, He had an overtime shift. So I got one of my 24 hours back that I don't hardly ever get now that he got that wonderful promotion that I love that he got that promotion, but I don't love that. I don't have my 24 hour shifts left anymore. Anyways, lots of squirrels on this. I know. Bear with me. Bear with me. I promise we're getting to quite a few points on this one. But I had the 24 hours and I was actually like, do I use the word caught up? I was not behind. I was exactly where I wanted to be for business-wise. I was on time and it felt amazing. So I should be like rocking it. And it's like, all right, well let's do just this little fun project then, and we'll binge watch TV all night. And I didn't even wanna do that. Like nothing felt good. And I'm like, oh my God, what is going on? I don't like when it gets that bad. And it wasn't, it wasn't burnout bad. totally different feeling. It was just absolutely exhausted. Like my body is just like, we are tired of doing all of the things and thinking all of the things and being, all of the things we're just tired. And I'm like, oh my God, how, where, ah, how do I get outta this? Right? where is this even going? And did figure out where I was going and as soon as that really came to play, I had a suspicion where it was going, but then as soon as I knew for sure that that was going, it really felt like everything just lifted a hundred percent easy focus. Like, This is what's going to happen. This is what's gonna happen. This is going, this is going, this is going, you are out. You are out. All of this. I don't mean people, I mean software, stuff like that. Like, all of a sudden it was easy to make the decisions of next steps that I needed to make. So one of those next steps, was. For quite a while I've been looking at selling my passion project site. It's coming up on 10 years old now in August, and I've been needing to sell it for a while now. I can't do all of the things. And it's been sitting there and it weighs on me. And, and yes, the group is still active and amazing and I, I love all the women in there, but it would just weighs on me. It's just one more thing. We can't do all of the things. And I tried to sell it, but it was 2020 and I didn't really push very hard and I didn't do hard, I burnt out in 2020, so, it's just been sitting there and I finally, it was just like an immediate thing and I just went into the group and I said, Hey. I'm like, all right ladies. I said, this is not a scare tactic or anything like that. I said, but I've had wonderful things coming into my life. Wonderful changes are happening business-wise, and I'm selling the website. I'm looking for somebody to take it over. You know, here's all the details. Here's a price or best offer, I said, or it will be just closed. I'm like, I'm not just going to keep it sitting around anymore. I'm like, I can't, I can't do that. And I, I have to cut ties and move forward. And I had a buyer come up almost immediately. I am excited when in a few weeks we go and sign papers and we're gonna have a girl's night and, uh, celebrate with wine and, just girl chat. It's gonna be amazing. So that was first, first thing of clarity and amazing how I have kind of half-heartedly tried to sell the site. A few times over the last few years and it was never a thing. And then this one when I, when I was like, done, I'm done. This is done. it was easy-peasy. I even had a conversation with somebody and told 'em it wasn't a good fit for 'em. and, you know, biz coached them to, to what? I would suggest they go work on creating and, they're all excited cuz they're gonna go and do that. Uh, so that was cool. Out of that. The other thing that happened was and this was part of the exhaustion thing, was I didn't have the energy over that weekend to do a bunch of stuff that I was going to get completed for the new launch that I was gonna do here at and it was, driving me a little bit bonkers. I'm like, why did that not get done? so I extended the launch date to like four days forward, and that's when all of the clarity happened was in between there. So I was going to launch it on the Monday and I moved it to Thursday and Tuesday was when the clarity happened. Tuesday or Wednesday, I don't know, Tuesday or Wednesday, probably. I think it was Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday happened. All the clarity. By Wednesday I'm like, oh, here's a plan. This is all that's going on. And I canceled my launch and it was easy yet hard at the same time. Uh, that makes sense, right? It was easy because I knew that's what had to happen mindset-wise. I felt like a fucking failure and I was aware of how I was feeling, so I was working through it. I'm like, okay, why are you feeling like you're a failure? I mean, asking myself lots of questions to work through it, because intellectually I knew it wasn't to fail. Because it wasn't that I was just putting off this launch for no reason. I was putting off this launch because there were more important things that are happening and need to be happening, and my full focus needs to be there. So I did it for the right reasons versus a past Val, which was what was popping into my head, is about being a failure. Past Val is just like, Look at me. Here she goes again. She's got all of these good plans. Look at her sales pages, even freaking amazing. She even got her affiliate swipes and everything done this year or this launch. Yeah, it is this year. This is gonna be my first launch this year. And look it, she's so prepped and she's got all of this stuff ready to go, and of course something's going to come in and Val's going to cancel and she's not gonna do it. And she's not gonna do blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This was what I was telling myself, right? This was what's immediately going through my head. You're going through old habits and I was like, no, stop. We need to think about this. We're not going into old habits. Old habits are, I do not have that awareness and I am self sabotaging. Without the awareness happening, it's just happening. This was not a self sabotage. I was fully aware, I was consciously making decisions of what was taking priority and what was not. So even, even with all of that, I've still got a little bit of angst going on, going, ah, okay, okay. This feels weird. You gave yourself permission and it was the right thing to do, but we didn't do that. so then I was talking to the Mastermind members and talking about the clarity that's coming up and I got to, uh, a point after, after the meeting where I was just like, oh my gosh. And that's how this podcast came to be. I'm like, oh my gosh, did I just do that to them? How are they feeling? So, you know, one, one of the Mastermind members, I'm, I'm also coaching, she's also coaching with me. So I reached out to her right away because she was the one that I was worried about, that I might have. I might have gone all over. So awesome, blah, blah, blah. Follow me kind of thing. And I know I didn't do the follow all these steps cuz I don't believe in that. there's no single step. There was, we'd all be doing exactly the same steps to get to our business success, Um, and so I reached out to her about the whole clarity thing and how, just how it's feeling, and how different it is. Then clarity that I've had in the past, how this is very, very, very different because for one, I manifested this, I absolutely manifested exactly where I am right now. I told you I was gonna go woo, but I did, so I was talking back and forth with her on the fact that that. All of the fails, and I'm doing air quotes here, all of the fails. I'm right now taking a look at all of those fails, those businesses that never hit the potential that I knew that they had, and, and I moved on to other things for the right reason or the wrong reason, or just walked away. I was not critiquing any of that part. I was just going through, okay, from this website, what did we learn? And from this website, what did we learn? And from this project, what did we learn? And I even spelled it out in an email to her. I'm like, I don't want you to take the time to do this, and you're listening, so I know you know I'm talking about you. And I even spelt it out, going through the different websites, like Wife Behind the Fire, I learned that I 100% know what I'm talking about. I 100% can create a raving community of people that want to hear from me and that want to collaborate more and get to know each other. That website group has created so many besties. It's not even quantable. there's over 1600 women in there and it's a tight-knit group and, you know, they get together. They are each other's, backup. Now, you know, they, contact each other, they reach out to each other. They're, they're on the phone with each other all the time. It is beautiful. And I helped facilitate that. I created the space for that to happen, and I know I can create it anywhere I go. Absolutely. Do believe that. you know, has never really, okay. has always been freaking. Wow. And both of these websites never had a plan. How's that? How's that for a business coach coming and talking to you? they both started out without any plans whatsoever. Which one of 'em, I will say Wife Behind the Fire. It didn't start off with a plan except for we all wanted to get together and we needed a place to reach out to each other. that one always ha to its detriment, didn't have a plan. So that was not a positive thing. But, was just my services. It was never meant to go anywhere. So then all of a sudden it was, and I'm like, whoa, where are we going? I don't know. Let me catch up. I'm just barely holding onto the reins here. and there's so many, so many things that I have learned with, with doing Absolutely. So many things, you know, talking to my list more, really building the list out to the people that I wanted to talk to and get to know better, and that were the right community for me to be chatting with. Communicating back and forth to figure out what the needs were, just for what to create next in workshops. You know, a lot of that has happened in so much networking, purposeful, all of this is more purposeful was with So that said, with all of this clarity, I'm not going forward with things at right now. It's. It's going to sit there, it's going to sit there as I do what so many coaches have said over all of the years, and really focus on one area. I'm going to be focusing on the collaborations and the partnerships and the joint ventures, and that means I'm just going all in over at Bundle Bash right now. We've had great growth and the potential there is just astronomical. And I honestly manifested that. That site is what I have wanted for over a decade, over a decade. I just, and I knew, I knew along the way, that, that that was what I wanted to do, but I didn't know how to create it until I had my partner, my beautiful partner, Rayven, come in and, and we created exactly what I knew I've wanted. And so in the last couple weeks it's been really obvious that that's where I need to go and spend all of my time, which is scary for me to go all in in one spot. But it's also freeing because I, I'm looking at, okay, well you've been doing this, this, this, and this. Now we're just over here doing this and we have a team in place and, we have systems in place and as soon as I get a little bit more comfortable with all of the delegating and that kind of stuff, um, know, the, the sky is the limit with that and collaborating. So that said, that left this podcast. And I'm like, oh my gosh, okay. And I immediately reached out to my amazing podcast manager about it. I'm like, and this is, this is like out of your, out of our contract. Like, but here's what's going on where I can't not have the podcast. I know this because I had my podcast previously and at Your Bold Life, which is still there, It's still there. You can go and catch up on, on episodes over there that are wonderful and I have great interviews, but I'm like, I can't not, because I think it was like six months after that I started this one after I closed the other one down. Cause I wasn't working on that site and I'm like, ah, I got to talk. I have to talk. That's my, it's my ideal form of communication. So what's going to be happening is this is going to be the last podcast that you will find here at As of right now, we're still saying Val Full Volume because I think it's gonna be even more Val Full Volume. I'm just really, you know, with, with clarity comes confidence and I'm really feeling how amazing I. This is all going to be working with highlighting people and, and collaborations and talking about all of that. but I'm going to be moving it over to It's going to be all over there, so it's going to be a one stop. And I have, you know, of course, what was the universe already telling me? I had a big gap in between recording with a podcast guest and they're all coming back on my schedule in June, and we'll be moved over there by then. Well before then, we will be moved over there before the next episode comes out. It'll all be over there and it'll all point you to that. And, and it, will be easy for you to make the move on over there, but it'll be a little different. It'll just be just a tiny bit different. This is gonna be different branding for over there at Bundle Bash. We're definitely gonna talk a lot more about collaborations and it's going to be a blast and still talking about all things marketing and business and who else, who else, I don't know, whatever else we wanna talk about. Cuz that's why it's Val Full Volume, right? Because there's other things besides just business that are gonna come into play. Ah, so. Do you have questions about clarity or maybe even some help figuring stuff out, or you're aware that stuff is changing and you wanna kind of wanna break into it a little bit more? Let me know. Hit me up. Hit me up. So many opportunities are coming up. I'm really, I am so, so excited. It feels great to be sitting here with this clarity of what I want to be doing and what I want to be creating, and it feels like such a long time coming. So if you take nothing from this conversation today, I want you to realize that it will be there. If you're not there right now, it's coming. You're learning things right now. Figure out what you can be learning in the process while you're figuring it out. I'm waiting for it to hit you, but don't be just waiting for the clarity to hit you. Because the clarity is not just going to come up to you out of the blue and say, oh, good job. You were watching, you were watching Schitt's Creek for three weeks. But um, here you go. Here you go. Here's your clarity. Not gonna happen. You gotta be, you gotta be doing some work. You gotta be working towards it. Uh, you gotta be working on what you think the right thing is right now, because what you're working on is the right thing right now. Is it the right thing for a year from now? We don't know. We're not worried about that. Right? You're working it as if it is what's going to be the thing for you a year from now, but you don't have to hold onto it as if this is the end all be all. Amen. Hallelujah. Alright so. Follow me on over. I know you will because you're not gonna have a choice. You're gonna have to go see what's going on over at Bundle Bash. So next episode, we will be over there on the site, but you can always find me at Later.