Are you spinning your wheels each week wondering where to start on that never ending to do list?
Or maybe your to do list is perfection, but, well, confidence is in the way and you are a bit wishy-washy on whether your work is good enough to put out there.
Why can’t you just focus for shitsake?
I’m here to help you tackle mindset and hold you accountable to Get Biz Done.
You chose your biz because you had some knowledge in an area. Now it is time to embrace that knowledge and get it out there.
Did that just leave you asking yourself what your knowledge and expertise is that you are trying to bring to the table? And now you have a bit of anxiety because “holy hell, I’m supposed to have knowledge and expertise at this? But, I’m not an expert!”
Woosah babe, I got you.
I work in mindset and helping entrepreneurs own what they are great at.
You want a community (list, groups, social media…) that craves your expertise which means you need to know what it is! Then not just know it, but believe it.
You are an expert. It’s why you chose to do what you do…you just need to see the value you bring.
But mindset is only part of a business am I right? You must get things done in order to make money. Making money is our goal as a business owner.
Which leads me to the accountability portion of the Get Biz Done challenge.
When you aren’t getting things done there can be no income. It’s time to tackle that project on your list and get it out there to make you money so you can continue to work from home or so you can fully work from home.
Join me in the Get Biz Done challenge and let’s make this happen!
Here’s what is included in your 2 week challenge:
- Kick off session on Monday June 6 to get to know each other & set your expectations.
- 3 more live sessions to have you in the right frame of mind to…GET BIZ DONE!
- Access to me in the group for any questions & to post your accountability
This 2 week challenge is about YOUR biz goals. I’m here to help guide you into what is the most important thing to start on your list. Then help you through any issues so you can tell us all that it’s done!
***HINT*** Grab the thing on your list that is going to make you money asap.
Dates to put on your calendar to meet live at 1pm ET/10am PT.
- Monday June 6th – Kick off to talk about what you can expect from me and help you choose what your goal for the two weeks will be.
- June 8, 13, 15 – Topics about what is holding you back and check in on your goals for the experience.
Goals for our time together:
- Remember why you chose your biz and what expertise you bring to it.
- Figure out what to get done on your to do list so it can make you money.
- Recognize what is holding you back from getting the important things done.
- Notice you are not alone in the feelings you are having.
Stop the procrastination. Ditch the lack of focus.
It's time to Get Biz Done.
Challenge runs from June 6-17.
I will have kick ass prizes for those that are committing to their biz.