It’s so easy to stay in our comfort zones.
I can tell myself, “I’ll just send out this little email and hope that the right people read it and then my business will explode.”
Twiddles thumbs. Taps toes. Still waiting. Have you done the same?
You can keep on waiting, but others are pushing themselves more and will be heard more. More people will find them because they took big leaps.
It’s not easy to get out of our comfort zones. In fact, it’s freaking scary. But guess what, it’s scary for every single person on the planet. Our brains are wired to keep us safely doing what we’ve always done in hopes of protecting us. It’s instinct.
I know you want more and you do not want to get bored in your business. You want growth. You want reach. You want to continue to find that perfect person that needs you.
Which means you must do something different to get to something more.
AHHHH, I’m amping myself up just typing all of this.
Four years ago I commited fully to doing the Stretch Yourself challenge. And I NAILED it. The motivation I got from that 30 day group coaching challenge led me to continue to stretch out of my comfort zone. I didn’t stop with the challenges I completed that September. Each new challenge I completed and saw results from pushed me to grab another one and see how I could get the butterfies again by stepping across that line in the sand my mind had set about what I could accomplish.
Last three years, I was a HELL YES to blowing it out of the water again. AND I DID!
My Stretch Yourself Challenge commitments for 2020 were:
- Start a Facebook Group – Yes, I have done this. But this was a new partnership and we went in fully planned.
- Host a Facebook Live Series – THIS was my main focus. I created a FB Live series AND repurposed it. WOOHOO
- Make an Intentional Connection – Thanks to my podcast I’ve been getting a stream of new contacts, but I haven’t had to reach out to find them. I set out to create connections and the new friendships and biz aquaintances are awesome!
I had even better results. Video is no longer something that makes me cringe. Bring it on, make up or no make up lol I’m happy to share my words. I stopped feeling lame about asking for testimonials and happily ask for my clients and customers experiences. I SPOKE LIVE AT AN EVENT! Remember those? lol
Kelly adds new challenges each year and I’m eyeballing what I would like to tackle. Because I’ve done it multiple years, I’ve done almost all of them and sometimes the new ones aren’t fitting me and my biz. The great thing is you can grab any of the older ones and decide to push it. Just like I did with the FB Live series. I had done lives. I’d planned out lives…kinda. But I had never intentionally created a series knowing I was going to repurpose it. Pushing myself to use it in multiple ways was awesome!
So don’t go look at the list of items and think “oh, I’ve done all that.” You may have, but did you stretch yourself to make it amazing or just go through the motion?
What if you get out of your comfort zone and do things you have no idea you have in you?
What would it look like to step it up and dig more to push your business to the next level? The results of your efforts will be amazing, but you won’t know unless you try.
You can now sign up for the live challenge. No self-study necessary, jump in for all the training and conversation you can grab to push your biz to the next level.
Join the Stretch Yourself Challenge!
Biz Boldly,
Even when we’ve done some of these things for years, there are always ways we can push the envelope. EEEK! Plus you know I love community and it’s too much fun to participate lol
You are awesome for saying all that. Thank you for the encouragement to keep on! My business(s) get more successful as I gain confidence and of course as you said, by being more visible. Which the confidence makes me ok being more visible ๐ Oh yeah, Team Bold is totally on board to win!
We totally have a win in us. So many are already team finisher and still days to go! I’m thankful you are on my group as well ๐
Aw thank you Luanna, you are one of the sweetest people I know. <3 BTW I was rocking out to some 80's cardio channel on pandora and wanted to ask you to add She Bop to your playlist so we are prepared for our next car sing-along lol
Then I question my sanity, but it’s addicting to get the butterflies and rock the accomplishment!
Maybe since I didn’t get a guy on my team I could put in a request to adopt you to Team Bold lol I wish we were meeting in Atlanta again! That was fun to try Ethiopian food for the first time.
I’m happy as a newbie you said yes to joining in. That alone took guts. Go TEAM BOLD!
I agree everyone business owner should join. I’m going to push even more for joiners next year live ๐
That would be a really great tagline ๐
Sometimes video is still a challenge. I can easily sit there and make excuses why I don’t want to. My self-doubt kicks in and the inner critic makes stupid comments in my head. But, I know if I listen to it then I may as well just quit and I don’t wanna quit lol
Oh the listening, yes the listening. Listening was a big thing I was missing for many years because I was too busy talking to hear others. Man it’s made a huge difference in my life.
I should put that on a mug ๐
Some topics are so much easier than others and a change definitely plays a little havoc on the confidence.
This is all so very true! Just got my mug in!
YES! WTG. What did you get done during the challenge Marcy? I’ll celebrate with you ๐