Are you looking for a way to shift your mindset? Stones and Crystals can provide the best tools for the journey. With over 4000 stones and crystals in the world, finding one that represents the shift you are looking for isn’t too difficult. Robyn is here to help make that journey a little easier. As […]
What Are You Focused On?
Have you been focusing on self-improvement and growth lately? This seems to be a common thread lately. We are always on a roller coaster of learning, but it’s important to stay focused on what you’re working on. Stay focused and you’ll stay productive. In all aspects of your life. Val reflects on how mornings have been difficult for […]
Life On Autopilot
Hey! Nice to meet you. I’m Val Selby, the entrepreneur. I am a business owner, coach, and podcaster. I’m also the GFWC Valley Volunteers Club President. But if we met in person – I might not always tell you all these things. I might introduce myself as a daughter, wife, or mother but not always […]
Are You In The Wrong Biz?
You’re procrastinating again, aren’t you? There may be some validity to your procrastination. Is your business the wrong one for you? Even though you have a lot of ideas about how it will make money, you keep putting things off. The time has come to take a deep dive into your business. As a business, there are so […]
Clear the Deck
Declutter your Biz challenge isn’t just about decluttering your digital files. It’s about decluttering the space around you too. You know you are ready for a deep declutter when you find yourself doing other tasks you usually hate to do. You know, the bathrooms are clean, and the house is spotless and vacuumed… that’s when it’s time […]
Revisit, Rewrite, Rework
What have you done in the past that you can bring back into your life? Anything that needs revisiting? How about a rewrite or maybe a complete overhaul? We often think that we need to move forward, and continue with something new. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes stopping to reflect on those things we have a […]
Stop Saying “I’m Sorry”
I am open to possibilities. I am grateful for awareness. I am me and I’m not sorry. How often have you found yourself starting the conversation with “I’m sorry…”? We are so conditioned to start a conversation this way but are we really sorry? Sometimes you have to sit in your feelings, feel those “feels” and realize that […]
Everything Old Is New Again
What expertise are you bringing to the table? Everyone has experience. Whether you’ve been in business for 1 year or 22 years, you’ve been growing and learning along the way. Have you tabled an idea that maybe might have some merit now? If you’ve been thinking about an old idea you had, it might be time to […]
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
What could possibly be holding you back in your business? Have you taken on other responsibilities? Perhaps you are a caregiver. You may be held back by others. Time may be too tight for you, or your creativity is running wild. It’s always important to consider your own mental health. You must pay attention to each of […]
Ten Principles of Visibility
“How are you going to market yourself when you’re afraid to be seen?” That is the key question on Val Full Volume today. Our guest on the show is Pam Hamilton, author of The Ten Principles of Visibility: Helping You Find the Courage to be Seen. Years ago, Pam was painfully shy and had to […]